So far today (and, ok, last night) 3 batches of fudge 1 (tiny) batch of almondless, chocolate-covered toffee (a special request) 1 batch Russian tea cakes 1 blister from stirring so much Up next: coconut joys more toffee more Russian tea cakes more fudge, maybe getting out of the kitchen so Ted can make truffles and peanutbutter balls Busy busy!
THAT was more like it!
THAT was more like it! Just finished up ch. 6 of O:C, and NOW I’m feelin’ the love! I was buzzing along writing the words and feeling the tension and the excitement and “seeing” what was happening and YEAH! Yeah! RAH! *runs around*! YEAH! Mom and I went Christmas shopping earlier, and now I’ve got moooost of my shopping done. Moooost of it. Not all of it. But moooost of it! And I yam pleased. And and and YEAH! *runs around*! Tomorrow, chapter 7, and baking! miles to Lothlorien: 418.5
new glasses
I do not like my new glasses. They still don’t seem to sit on my nose quite right, and while they do avoid the problem that my other glasses have, which is that there is enough glasses at the top to not have to tilt my head back at the movie theatre, they instead have nothing like enough lens at the bottom, and so if I look down everything goes blurry. Obviously I need bigger lenses. I’ve never returned glasses before. Does one just return ’em and trade ’em in,…
Whew! That’s done! Barring some kind of disaster (like the fax didn’t go through right) I am now done with URBAN SHAMAN. Totally and completely done. Holy cow.
Arright. I have finished the edits and must go through them and type them in, or write them out, and fax them. I have read things VERY VERY CAREFULLY and concluded that they work, even if my brain is gooey. There is one moderately questionable bit, but I think it does make sense overall and I’m not sure I can find a way to clarify it a little further in the text (I probably can, if I go read things again and decide where to put one more sentence), and…