Gaming last night was an absolute riot. I think I’d better just do a sweeping general write-up of the last 3 sessions, because trying to break it down into detail is overwhelming me. But we had a terribly good time. :) Some of the highlights included Mia being boosted up on a balcony so she could sneak into a hotel room, and all the guys commenting about looking up her dress, which made Melissa (Mia’s player) blush so hard she got tears in her eyes, and Christopher’s mispronunciation of “braziers”…
thinks to do!
Thinks to do today: 1. buy ice cleats 2. read O:C proposal in preparation for, y’know, writing it 3. write up the last 2 1890s adventures 4. drink water. soooo thirsty. I’m still full from yesterday. :)
wonderful evening!
Jai called up last night just as I was finishing baking the pumpkin pie, and said she had the evening free of her daughter and did I want to go to a movie. Indeed I did, so we went to see “Shall We Dance”, which I liked as well the second time, and then went out for coffee and talked for an hour before trundling off home. It was *really* nice. Her hair’s all short and fliffy and cute! Then I came home and played City of Heroes until 1…
christmas is a’comin’
I’m not going the jam-making route this year, but I will be doing one huge flurry of candy-making on the 16th and 17th of December. This is, I know, a little late, but hopefully it’ll be followed up by a post office run on the 18th and I will send candy out to the usual suspects. If you would like to be a usual suspect and fear you are not, post a comment ON THE MIZKIT SITE. Tell me if you are allergic to nuts. I will email you to…
Meme which I really like, gakked from the lovely and talented Ellen Million: Step One – Make a post containing your list of 10 holiday wishes. The wishes can be anything at all, from simple and fandom-related (“I’d love a Snape/Hermione icon that’s just for me”) to medium (“I wish for _____ on DVD”) to really big (“All I want for Christmas is a new car/computer/house/TV.”) The important thing is, make sure these wishes are things you really, truly want. – If you wish for real life things (not fics…