
Fwoosh. Finished all the bugs. Waiting to see if any more come in. I certainly hope not. Wish it would stop raining. I’d like to go for a walk, but I don’t much want to go in the soppy weather. I guess I could try to find my raincoat and pants. Still, blah. Let’s see. Maybe I’ll fold some laundry, ’cause I know how to have fun. :) Still need a work icon. Hm. music: Bon Jovi, This Left Feels Right

still raining

Still raining. I believe it may rain forever. My dad bought a kayak yesterday. It’s in our garage now. It’s only a one person kayak, which isn’t really very ark-like, but it’ll do in a pinch. Gymmed this morning. That’s all. miles to Lothlorien: 282

how can it POSSIBLY

How can it POSSIBLY only be 1pm? I have made bread, cleaned the kitchen, started laundry, fixed bugs, taunted Deborah, and believed six impossible things before breakfast, which really seems like enough for one day to ME! And yet it is only 1pm. And it is raining and quite miserable out, which makes me *completely* uninterested in going on a walk, even if Chanti wishes I would. OTOH, I put her out a while ago and she came gallumphing back to the door almost immediately, so she obviously doesn’t think…

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the hard part…

The hard part about working out is getting up to go to the gym. Fortunately, we accomplished it again this morning, which I maintain now means we have critical mass for the week and can’t possibly sleep in tomorrow and screw things up. Besides, I woke up at 5am, so I wasn’t really sleeping well anyway. Ted’s hope of not getting up was doomed from the start. :) Go go SpaceShipOne! Let’s see, what else. Oh, I sent a synopsis critique to someone, and I was reasonably certain she was…

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Now I need a work icon. Hrm. Anyway. You know, when there’s a very specific task, like bug fixing, with rapidly achieveable results, I really enjoy my job a lot more than I do when I’m even doing stuff like building new sites. I don’t know why that is exactly, because you’d think site development would be just as focused and interesting (or more so) than bug fixing, but for some reason it seems like I’m mostly happiest at my job right now when I’m fixing fiddly little things. On…

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