It’s snowing. o.O miles to Lothlorien: 272
I should think so!
Which of the Original Wolfriders Are You? by Peacepine at For Elf Eyes Only. I’d have been v. disappointed with anyone else. :) Edited to add the other quizzes: What Elfquest Creature Are You? by Peacepine at For Elf Eyes Only. What Elfquest Leader Are You Most Like? by Peacepine at For Elf Eyes Only. (Disappointed Ember wasn’t a choice!)
Edits are typed in. I hate this book. o.o It has been sent to my trusty test readers for continuity and structure and pacing consideration, and now I am going to Not Think About It for the next 72 hours. What I *am* going to think about is my rewrites on my short story that I have been failing to do since like MAY. jesus, kit. So that is the weekend goal, and Monday I will start dealing with feedback on HEART OF STONE. Right now I’m going to go…
Ted’s computer is clunking and preparing for catastrophic hard drive failure. It refused to boot a minute ago. Now he’s got it booted and is frantically backing things up to port to my computer so he doesn’t lose everything. Eep! In other news, we have an Emily til Sunday, for she is a sucker and is getting another cat. :) And, let’s see, what else. I’ve got a couple of victims readers for the HoS revisions, so I need to get my edits done and get those sent to them.…
audi update
The Audi, I am now told, is an Audi that was specifically designed for Ireland. I forebear to ask why a car designed for Ireland has a speedometer that goes to 160mph, because no one but a madman would even attempt that kind of speed, even if it were possible to achieve on Irish roads, on Irish roads. Anyway. Not the point. Because it is a car designed for Ireland, apparently the Audi people are now calling England to find out if anybody there knows what kind of speedometer it’s…