My grandmother died last night. I’m waiting to find out when the memorial service is, and when, therefore, we’ll be going to Seattle, and for how long. I kind of expect it’ll be this weekend.
In the meantime, I’m waiting for the mover guy to email me with an estimate on how much it’ll cost to move us down to Cork. The price he quoted for packing us up was, I thought, extremely reasonable, and best of all it requires no effort on my part. Except probably standing around supervising to some degree, though it’d be nicer if I could just stay out of the way. However, with Grandma’s death, that means it will probably be next week when I can have them come in, because I suspect this week is kind of going to be all booked up. Well, it was anyway, but this is different.
*stares around* Yeah. Okay. I think I’m gonna go pack up some stuff and go into Dublin. I can get the mover quotes and everything from there, as long as I bring Monster, and…yeah. Maybe I’ll wait til the 3pm train, though, just so I’m sure I’ve got time to get everything. Oi.
*hugs* If its needed, i can look after the animals for the weekend…
Oh, god, that would be so *incredibly* helpful. I’ll let you know. We might just find a kennel to place them at for a few days, but if you wanted to house/animal-sit, that might be even better…
So sorry to hear about your grandmother.
My thoughts are with your family.
Condoleinces, Thoughts and prayers to you and yours. Deity bless you. James L. Proudfit
Sorry to hear about your grandmother. I’ll be thinking of you and your family.
My thoughts are with you and your family. I wish you a good trip even though…well…yeah.
Sorry to hear about your grandmother. I hope you have a safe trip.
*HUG* I’ll be in Seattle this weekend too, if you want a break or something. *HUG*
FWIW, when I had movers I didn’t have to supervise them much, if at all. The only problems we had was when they tried to pack something that wasn’t coming with me but if those things are clearly marked and/or in a room they can’t access that shouldn’t be a problem. I mostly sat in a different room and tried to stay out of the way.
I’m so sorry to here about your grandmother. My Condolences.
I’m so sorry for your loss. :(
So sorry to hear about your grandmother Catie. My condolences.
Sorry to hear about your Grandma. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Lots of hugs from over here; I’m very sorry to hear about your grandma.
*hugs* I’m so sorry.
{{{hugs}}}} My condolences to you & your family.
Me too, what they said. I’m happy for her, sad for you and your family.
I’m sorry to hear about your grandmother. All best to your family.
*hugs* I’m so sorry Catie. *hugs*