Pizza bad. Oooky tummy. Bah. :P
Oh well, it was good when I ate it. :)
Ran out of printer ink, so I’ve only got half a manuscript printed out, and at Jai’s behest I posted for my beta readers in the Sekrit Posting Place despite it still being Frankenstein’s Manuscript. I will be taking a belt sander to the manuscript this evening and dealing with stuff that I was too tired to deal with by the time I got to the end and trying to get rid of some of the zillions of repeated phrases and stuff.
I am SO GLAD the big work on this is done. SHEESH. *pant pant pant*
Oh, and then we finished watching season 3 Alias. We are such suckers. Also, we are all tv’d out now.
miles to Lothlorien: 259
I hate that. Pizza always tastes /so/ wonderful when I’m hitting it, but two hours later it’s almost always a huge mistake.