pr things!

cemurphyfans is up and running, thanks to the wonderful, brilliant, charming, modest and handsome Bryant.

I just got off the phone with Harlequin’s PR, with whom I discussed the upcoming radio tour. When they said they were sending me to Seattle to do a radio tour, I thought they meant I was doing a radio tour *in* *Seattle*.

The current list of cities that I’ll be airing in is:

Anchorage, Alaska
Huntsville, Alabama
New Orleans, Louisiana
Wichita Falls, Texas
Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
Santa Barbara, California
Greenville, South Carolina
Plattsburgh, New York

…and FOX News Radio’s national radio network.

When they said “In Seattle,” what they meant was *I* was going to be in Seattle and the interviews were going to be EVERYWHERE! These are all separate interviews–the shortest is 10 minutes, the longest is 42. Who knew?! This is very, very exciting! I did a mock interview with the PR people, and need to make sure I don’t talk too fast, but otherwise it went really well and was generally fun, so I’m really looking forward to this.

I’ll post the whole schedule with times and stations when I’ve got it sometime next week. I’m going to be busier than a one-armed paper hanger with the hives, as my mother says, but it’s going to be really cool.

5 thoughts on “pr things!

  1. Well. Holy crap.

    You sure you don’t want to come to National and keep milking that PR train?

  2. Will you email me? As I can’t remember what your non-spam addy is?

  3. I’m asking the same as Sarah… will you email me?

    I need to ask you a question off-blog.

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