pretty good

1300 words so far this morning, and about 800 more than posted about yesterday, so I’m close to done with chapter 22, which is pretty good for it not yet being 9:30 in the morgle. Taking a breakfast break right now and then back to the grindstone.

I want a … nevermind. It’s been too long since I started writing this post. No, I’ll write it anyway.

I want a workstation which involves a comfy mission-style chair like the one in my writing nook. I want this workstation to have a querty keyboard on the arms of the chair, split entirely in two, ASDFG on the left and HJKL: on the right. I want a mouse plate off to the right-hand side. I want a screen that is in some fashion suspended an appropriate number of inches away from my face, so that I do not have to look down or up to see it. I believe this would prevent my right shoulder/ulnar nerve from getting angsty while I type (which it does with a standard laptop keyboard), and would prevent me from hunching forward and sticking my head out, which is just all kinds of bad for my back.

This is what I want. Unfortunately, I am completely incapable of creating such an environment. Sniffle.

Swam a mere 1600 yards last night. Didn’t really feel much like swimming, but I went anyway and while I didn’t feel splendiferous for it, I felt moderately better for it, at least. I think I shall swim again tonight.

yards swum: 7200

4 thoughts on “pretty good

  1. The screen would be a problem, but aren’t there independently split keyboards nowadays?

    If so, you could possibly glue them to the arms of the chair, and add a projection to the right arm for the mouse.

    Hmmm. Maybe the screen issue could be dealt with by getting a tray stand like at a dentist or doctor’s office that can be adjustable up and down and also swivels in and out, and then find a monitor light enough (flat screen?) that can rest on it and not break the stand. Or maybe one can be made out of wood.

  2. Y’know, that actually sounds like it could be done. (Keyboards like you speak of are available here.) The dentist-chair swivel thing is a good idea.

    Cool! Now all I need is several hundred dollars so I can upgrade to this new workstation! (It cries out for a miniMac, don’t you think?)

  3. I think it does in fact cry out for a miniMac bolted to the side of the chair or something!

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