quick note before bed

Ellen Million, who rocks, has scanned a couple of short stories I wrote in college and sent me copies of them, ’cause one, at least, I’m sure I don’t have. That one is a Beauty and the Beast story which, to the best of my own recollection, is a huge rip-off of Robin McKinley’s BEAUTY, except, like, written my way. :) So I’ll be reading both of those stories with fascinated trepidation sometime here soon…

Realised this evening that the smart thing to do was take the synopsis for Chance #6 with me on the bus and work on that script instead of trying to work on TPC, which I’m in the middle of a chapter on. So I’ve printed out the synopsis and we’ll see how that goes tomorrow.

Yesterday I actually wrote 3500 words, but they weren’t technically fiction; they were synopsis for TPC. So I don’t really get to count those toward my 12K this week, which is kind of depressing, or toward my YTD wordcount, although I’m reconsidering that. Maybe synopses should count toward that. I don’t know that I get to count the Chance script toward the 12K, either, since what my brain really meant when it said “write 12K this week” was “write 12K on TPC this week”. But Chance scripts at least count toward the ytd wordcount.

I have to get up, in theory rather early, to get on a bus to Dublin, so I really must go to bed now.

ytd wordcount: 75,500
miles to Minas Tirith: 97.5

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