room with a view

I’ve been meaning to post this. This is the view from my office window, put :

14 thoughts on “room with a view

  1. That in the evening? Absolutely lovely. How’s the light in the morning?

  2. I was in a Waldenbooks in Terre Haute, Indiana today. We’d stopped in to pick up another manga for the Valkyrie.

    They had two of your books on the shelf (Urban Shaman and Coyote (which’s second part of the title escapes me because I have driven/ridden halfway across the US in the last two days and am teh dumb.)

    I faced them out and squee’d loudly, while taking a picture with my cell phone that I now have no idea how to do anything with. But I have it. :)

  3. Squee!

    I don’t know how to send photos from my phone either. *shame* :)

  4. Ah, the spires of Saint Finbarre’s cathedral and the bulk of Elizabeth Fort. Nice views, as I said before. Definitely one to sit where you can’t stare out the window.

  5. Oh, that’s lovely and inspirational.

    We have GOT to come and visit.

  6. …you know, until you said that, I don’t think I’d ever actually *seen* the fort.

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