seepy kit

I walked *4.5* miles today. Go me! It was really nice, actually, and now it’s really dumping rain, so I’m glad I went out walking earlier. Then I read the last book in the Second Sons trilogy, and it too was very, very good, so overall I’m quite satisfied. And now, having read a lot in the last few days, I must get back to writing. Must get up in the morning to write, even if the bed is all comfy. If my wordcount is not updated with my morning post, scold me. :)

Things I did today that were good for me: walked 4.5 miles, ate 1.5 froots.

miles to Lothlorien: 41.5

3 thoughts on “seepy kit

  1. Thar’s BLUEBERRIES just a soakin’ up this here rain in them thar hills. RAIN, DAMN YOU, RAIN!

  2. Wow, that’s a lot of walking! You are a very healthy Kit!

    Also, your homepage is very swirly.

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