skinny kit!

Today I am skinny!

My official weigh-in day is not for 3 days, so anything could happen, but this morning the scale said 155, which is 50 pounds lost, and which my not-very-awake brain just couldn’t comprehend. It was on a longer tick on the scale, and all I could think was that meant it said 160, and I couldn’t figure out how I’d gotten to 160 when yesterday I was 156. :)

(Sorry I keep nattering on about weight loss. I’m a little obsessive right now. Hopefully I’ll stop being obsessive in another 13 pounds or so.)

This means I can put a Rogue stripe back into my hair ANY TIME I WANT! (That’s my 155 reward. Do I want?)

In _other_ news, got email back from the editor at eHarlequin, who liked the lil’ synopsis I wrote up, so now all I have to do is write the story. o.O :)

Ted and I went to see “The Island” last night, and enjoyed it more than we expected to. Ewan Macgregor is a cutie, and he does accents well. And I like Scarlett Johansen, because I think she looks and dresses like a movie star. Her and Charlize Theron. (This really means “looks and dresses like a 30s and 40s movie star, but dammit, that’s what I think movie stars ought to look and dress like.) I could’ve done with a little less hand-held extremely jolty camera movement, but overall, I enjoyed the movie.

What else? We went to look at paint for painting the kitchen with, but we had to go to the movie before we got any mixed. We’ll go get some tonight. We have no idea at all how much paint we’re going to need, so we figured we’d start with a gallon and get more if we needed it.

See, I’m just a real live wire. :)

miles to Hobbiton: 365.5

4 thoughts on “skinny kit!

  1. Dear Miss Skinny,
    I’d say if all you’re going to paint is those cabinets, a gallon will more than suffice.

  2. Woohoo, congratulations! That’s a fantastic accomplishment!

    I keep wondering if I should keep in mind how much I’ve lost since I started losing weight at all, since there were a couple of years of stagnation/gainback before I really started working at it. And of course, now the few months of stagnation and gainback (though only a little!). _But_. You’re a shining example, is what I’m trying to say, and I’m getting back onto the WW horse comma dammit, in part because of your success.

    Go you!

  3. Mom–ok. :)

    Angie–I so totally keep in mind the total loss, even if the focused loss has been over the last year. That doesn’t mean I didn’t weigh 205 pounds at one point, so hell yeah, it all counts!

  4. Yay, skinny sex-ay Kit!

    I think you should hold off and do the Rogue stripe at a nice even 150. And something more to shoot for!

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