
God DAMNED CAT. He shoved one of the new bowls off the counter and destroyed it. God *DAMN* it. God DAMN it!

3 thoughts on “*snarl*

  1. Is this the same wicked feline who destroyed your jug?

    If so, you should consider either:
    A. skinning the cat or
    B. Moving everything out of reach of the little buggers. Which is what we had to do. Which sucks. But it DOES decrease ceramic attrition.

  2. Double stick tape on the edges of the counter for a day or two…

    Or crinkled tin foil laying on the counter… cat’s supposedly do not like the feel of that beneath their feet.

    Or a few soda cans full of nails or pennies with the opening taped shut – cat will knock that off counter and make loud noise = Cat will know that cat has been where should not be AND scare the bejeezus out of said cat.

    Maybe. ;)

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