So if the Venus transit is supposed to be visible from 05:13 to 05:33 Universal Time in Anchorage, am I correct in reading that as “subtract 9 hours to get the usual Universal time, then one more because we’re in Daylight Savings,” so the transit, if visible, should be visible from approximately 7:15 to 7:30 this evening (June 7th) my time?
Edit: Trip and Merlin have introduced me to, and have explained that it’s +1, not -1, for DST, so the transit is at *9* fifteenish tonight. I wonder if Kincaid Park would be a good place to be likely to see it from. :) says 9:13 PM – 9:33 PM your time in Anchorage.
Hmm… so am I understanding you right? From everything I’ve been reading it should be visible on the East coast roughly from 1:20am to 7:05am, which would make it some from 9pm to 3am Alaska time, right? (which is in agreement with what you were saying, yes?)
Of course, I won’t get to see squat out here in the good ol’ desert, but then again most of that stuff usually is best viewed from another area – in this case, Europe.
Dangitall, and I would’ve liked to see that.
Oh well… maybe in 2012?? ;o)~
RE your 8:12 posting – no, you do not suck. It’s the capitalist system that has evolved that makes us think we are lesser beings if we do not fulfill an idealized work quota every day.
Come the Revolution we shall no longer be in the vise like grip of greedy corporations! Up the Revolution! Power to the people.
But then again, I could be wrong. I mean, it’s all conjecture, isn’t it?
*laughs* Your father is such a riot, Kit. :)
I don’t know how long it was visible on the East Coast, Kerry, but it was only visible for 20 minutes here and it was CLOUDY so all my figuring it out was for naught! Stupid weather. Hopefully it’ll be nice in 2012! :)
*giggle* I have a very silly father. :)