FIREBIRD DECEPTION cover! Finally! SQUEE! I would not have made the eyes *quite* so intensely brown, given the rest of the color scheme, but I am still very pleased with it.

Also! We have NET at home! YAY!


(And before anybody else says it, *I* suggested the Louvre and the pyramid outside it, and I did not know about The Davinci Code when I did that. I haven’t read it. I’m not *going* to, either, especially since people already keep saying CARDINAL RULE reminds them of it. Because there’s a Secret Society, I guess. Even though I didn’t get to call it the Illuminati (because my editor said it was to DaVinci Code). ANYWAY.)

(Click for a bigger version.)


7 thoughts on “SQUEE!

  1. I actually don’t think that Cardinal Rule is much like the DaVinci Code, but I haven’t finished it yet (and I’ve only listened to the abridged audio book of DVC, not read the actual thing… and having done so, have no intention of reading the actual thing. It was enh). :)

  2. I just read them both quite recently and they didn’t remind me of each other. nope.

  3. GORGEOUS cover Catie!

    And I’ve read both the DVC and TCR and don’t think they’re alike at all.


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