Stalking the Dead Storybundle!!!

I have been remiss in telling you about this Storybundle I’m in!!!

URBAN SHAMAN is one of eleven releases (Two of which are box sets with multiple titles! A third of which has an additional novella! SO MANY BOOKS!!!) in this Storybundle, all supernatural detective stories of one kind or another!

The first four books – Olympia Investigations by Sherry D. Ramsey, Death Coach by Sandra Wickham, Blood Kissed by Keri Arthur, and Dying on Second by E.C. Bell – are only $5 (or more if you feel like it!) and entire eleven (or 15+, if you count the bundles-within-the-bundle!) book bundle can be had for $20!

As another author in the series said, “That is so many hours of entertainment to distract you from doomscrolling!”

What I can tell you personally about some of the other writers in this bundle:

Krista D. Ball has written a number of romances that I LOVED, and I have a stack of them still to read. I am really, really looking forward to her collection in this.

Lilith Saintcrow is, I mean, guys, it’s LILITH SAINTCROW. If you haven’t read her stuff, you should. It tends toward dark, but there’s always a goddamn ember of hope burning like the heat at the heart of the universe. I love Lili.

Skyla Dawn Cameron is one of my cover artists as well as a terrific writer! She’s the PRACTICAL BOOTS cover artist (it’s up above in my patreon banner), plus did the Strongbox Chronicles, the Worldwalker Duology, and the Inheritors’ Cycle covers for me. She’s wonderful!

I am ALMOST SURE I’ve read GUARDIAN OF CHAOS but my reading list is falling down on this one, I can’t find it noted! But it really seems like I have. Perhaps I’m losing my mind? But it’s got a really good cover, anyway. :)

Those are the ones I know anything about, besides mine, but I’ll picoreview them as I read them!

The STALKING THE DEAD Storybundle is available through June 13!!

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