Stalking the Dead Storybundle!!!

I have been remiss in telling you about this Storybundle I’m in!!! URBAN SHAMAN is one of eleven releases (Two of which are box sets with multiple titles! A third of which has an additional novella! SO MANY BOOKS!!!) in this Storybundle, all supernatural detective stories of one kind or another! The first four books – Olympia Investigations by Sherry D. Ramsey, Death Coach by Sandra Wickham, Blood Kissed by Keri Arthur, and Dying on Second by E.C. Bell – are only $5 (or more if you feel like it!)…

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Cover for Roses in Amber

collecting bookstore addresses

My wonderful readers! Could you Do A Thing for me? Could you look up your local bookstore(s) address(es) and email them to mizkitink AT I’m trying to collect a database so I can send out postcards for new books, and it struck me that the best way to find bookstores (Barnes & Noble and other chain stores count!) is to ask people if they could take a minute to do that. A bunch of people on my mailing list have, and I’ve gotten over a hundred addresses already, but…

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I have not gotten travel grant money for my proposed trip to London and FantasyCon, which means I’m only going to London. Blast. Well, maybe next year we can go to FantasyCon.

star trekkin’ across the universe!

I will be in London at the Forbidden Planet on 18 September, 2008, from 6-7pm, to sign copies of HANDS OF FLAME (and any others of my books people would like me to sign!). (Oh! I should be able to get Kris’s books there! Awesome!) I’m really looking forward to this signing, and hope a few England-based readers might show up and say hello. :) A few months ago, The Falcata Times interviewed me, and that interview is now up in the Falcata Times #7. My interview starts on page…

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