Things I have learned about sweets in the last 48 hours:
1. I will eat them if they’re there, whether I’m hungry or not
2. They make me feel icky when I eat them
3. They utterly kill my appetite for real food, but because they are in no way nutritional, I find myself foraging for something to eat, which ends up being more sweets
4. My husband thinks I’ve poisoned him. :)
5. That I would be much happier if I got all this stuff out of the house entirely, because I’m apparently not man enough to resist temptation
6. *icky burp*
7. They dehydrate me *horribly*
miles to Lothlorien: 423.5
Getting really thirsty after you eat sweets is not a good sign.
You’re right, but I’m pretty sure the problem is that I don’t recognize the thirst mechanism as such when I’m eating sweets. I know I’ve managed to miswire my brain so that I think I want ice cream when I really want water; what I’m focusing on is the cold, not the liquid. So I’m pretty sure that it’s just that I’m actually not drinking enough water, because instead of thinking “I’m thirsty” I’m thinking “I want to eat something”, and then I eat a sweet.
A hearty amen to the that. AND – I’ve found that fudge makes my mouth feel a little raw. :P
What you said is what’s happening to me, too. Yesterday I felt crap most of the afternoon/evening, and finally realized it was because I’d been snacking on sweets (cookies, rosettes, hot chocolate, kuchen) so much that I wasn’t eating real food. And I’m being terrible about getting my usual amount of water, though I’m trying to watch myself for it.
I’ll just be better off when I’m home-home, I figure, though I’m trying to be better while I’m here. This is all just stuff I only get once a year, if that, so it’s proving difficult to resist. o.O
Strength to us both!