five things make a post

Thing One: I have this mild fascination with watching makeup reels and tiktoks. What I find particularly mind-blowing are the “side by side comparison of 2 makeup styles” ones in which they say things like “heavy makeup vs light makeup” and then on the ‘light makeup’ side of their face they put on more makeup than I have ever worn at once in my life. I would genuinely love for somebody skilled at conturing makeup to do a full face on me once. It’d just be really interesting. But I…

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genuinely insanely busy

Hello, mes amis. I have been genuinely, insanely busy for the past two months, and my “no really I’m going to get back into blogging” has suffered badly for it. I have Eastercon to write up, STILL, most of two months after the fact, but I kept putting it off because I was finishing the 6th Dublin Driver book, which I did, and delivered, on April…21, I think. And then I accidentally banged out two novellas. Yeah, no, that’s not normal, is it? I literally finished DEATH OF AN IRISH…

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Aeon Timeline & Scrivener: a how-to for syncing

Okay, background: I have spent years fiddling with Aeon Timeline. I love the visuals on it, I like having a timeline for my books, and I know it’s way more useful than I’ve been using it for, but I have not, for the life of me, been able to make it sync with Scrivener, which it’s Supposed To Do. My HOPE was it should probably let you put all the information into Scrivener, which would then magically populate the information into Aeon Timeline in some way, but…well, I’ve spent ages…

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