Elsewhere, when I posted the DEMON HUNTS cover, a reader responded with words to the effect of “I’d rather have new books than new covers.” ::looks into the camera:: Another reader stepped in to try to head them off at the pass, said I’d gotten the rights back and that I was re-releasing them with my own covers and that the story was finished. Unfortunately, the OP responded with “if the main character isn’t dead, the story isn’t over!” ::LOOKS. INTO. THE CAMERA:: Part of me wants to say “I…
Tag: career
are we retrospectiving?
Are we doing the 2024 Retrospective thing? Yeah? We are? Okay, well, I did a metric shit tonne this year, and I know it, and of course I also didn’t get anything like nearly as much as I needed or wanted to done. But let’s focus on the positive. I wrote in the region of 400K words, I think, with 4 books (WEAR WOLF, DEATH OF AN IRISH DRUID (out in January), OCTOBEARFEST and PARTRIDGE IN A BEAR TREE), 2 novellas (LION ON LOAN, KOALAFIED FOR LOVE), a massive revision which…
20 years!
This week marks the 20th anniversary of me becoming a full-time writer! I’ve published 52 books in that time (with 2 more — PARTRIDGE IN A BEAR TREE and DEATH OF AN IRISH DRUID, do feel free to preorder :D — due out in the next 8 weeks), 13 novellas, a dozen or so short stories not associated with longer collections, and a graphic novel. That seems like quite a lot, tbh. And I’m sure I’m missing some short stories and things, but overall it’s probably close enough. I’m currently…
critical for author websites – summary!
So I got about forty responses from my question a few weeks ago about what was critical to have on an author website, and the overwhelming response was that these, in more or less this order, are what readers are looking for: What’s New What’s Next ALL THE BOOKS Reading Order, particularly if that’s different from the publication order CURRENT! INFORMATION! Okay, so this was pretty interesting! I’m gonna go into some of these more, and then touch on some of the less-widely-asked-for-but-still-requested features! WHAT’S NEW – well, this is…
what’s critical for author websites?
My friend and fellow writer Emma Newman is asking, over on Bluesky, “When you have been to an author’s website in the past, what have you been looking for? What info is critical for you?” I think this is a great question, and am always looking for the answers to it, myself. I streamlined my professional website (catiemurphy.com) significantly the last time I updated it, and it’s basically just What’s Out Now, What’s Out Next, and Here Are All My Books. There’s a contact form, but not a heckin’ lot…