For those of you who have not been following along–and frankly, I have no expectation that the larger percentage of my readers will be, because it’s a topic that at best affects them from a distance–Amazon is trying to force publishing house Hachette to agree to more-favorable-to-Amazon contract clauses. They’re doing this by: – not listing Hachette titles – setting Hatchette title prices at (sometimes extraordinarily) high price points to discourage readers from buying them – setting shipping dates for already-available Hachette books at 3-5 weeks out, instead of making…
Tag: career
mailing list drive
With Facebook’s reach growing ever-smaller, I’ve thought to remind folks that I’ve actually got a mailing list and that it’s the most reliable way to keep up on my projects. No sifting through social media, just a once-a-month (or often less frequent) delivery to your email box to let you know what’s coming up and going on! Easy peasy! Sign up here! :)
the next big thing
I imported the Scrivener files for my next project this morning. I still don’t really have my brain wrapped entirely around Scrivener, but this is going to be a big project and it’s clear that Scrivener’s project management system is going to be extremely useful once I understand what I can really do with it. Even just having the character names/bio available at a click is obviously helpful. I knew I’d written some little bit on the project last year, or possibly even the year before that (ai) but I…
Walker Papers: thud
Remember how two weeks ago I posted and said OMG there’s this bit in SHAMAN RISES I’d forgotten and it was like reading it for the first time? Last night doing the final edits, I hit that bit again and the same thing happened. I think I can safely say nobody’s going to see that bit coming. :) (No, it’s not that I’m losing my mind, it’s that I’d revised that section heavily and the changes haven’t settled in my mind yet, apparently. But then, there was a scene in…
big career change!
I’ve alluded to this but not spoken much about it: early this year, my agency and I parted ways over what amounts to a disgreement about the direction of my career. It’s a little nerve-wracking to split with an agent of ten years (hence my reluctance to talk about it much!), but in last month the rest of my life slowed down enough that I was able to finally focus on getting a new agent. And I am now delighted to announce that henceforth, I will be a client of…