Loncon was pretty amazing. It was well-run, with the only really visible snafu being that they weren’t prepared for 3000 people to show up at 9am Thursday, imagining, instead, that they’d show up more gradually through the weekend. So Thursday there was a Very Long Line to pick up registration materials, but they handled it super well and kept it moving. A highlight was my friend Kate, after walking from one end of the very long convention centre concourse to the end where Loncon was taking place and then discovering…
Tag: career
The Hachette Job
For those of you who have not been following along–and frankly, I have no expectation that the larger percentage of my readers will be, because it’s a topic that at best affects them from a distance–Amazon is trying to force publishing house Hachette to agree to more-favorable-to-Amazon contract clauses. They’re doing this by: – not listing Hachette titles – setting Hatchette title prices at (sometimes extraordinarily) high price points to discourage readers from buying them – setting shipping dates for already-available Hachette books at 3-5 weeks out, instead of making…
mailing list drive
With Facebook’s reach growing ever-smaller, I’ve thought to remind folks that I’ve actually got a mailing list and that it’s the most reliable way to keep up on my projects. No sifting through social media, just a once-a-month (or often less frequent) delivery to your email box to let you know what’s coming up and going on! Easy peasy! Sign up here! :)
the next big thing
I imported the Scrivener files for my next project this morning. I still don’t really have my brain wrapped entirely around Scrivener, but this is going to be a big project and it’s clear that Scrivener’s project management system is going to be extremely useful once I understand what I can really do with it. Even just having the character names/bio available at a click is obviously helpful. I knew I’d written some little bit on the project last year, or possibly even the year before that (ai) but I…
Walker Papers: thud
Remember how two weeks ago I posted and said OMG there’s this bit in SHAMAN RISES I’d forgotten and it was like reading it for the first time? Last night doing the final edits, I hit that bit again and the same thing happened. I think I can safely say nobody’s going to see that bit coming. :) (No, it’s not that I’m losing my mind, it’s that I’d revised that section heavily and the changes haven’t settled in my mind yet, apparently. But then, there was a scene in…