mailing list snafu

I had a mailing list snafu, the result of which is I have switched my announcements email list over to Google groups. You can find it here, if you want to subscribe. It has no content that doesn’t go up here, but it’s somewhat more streamlined with rather more signal than noise, so that might be useful to people. I was going to announce winners for the FANTASY MEDLEY with this, but I haven’t gone through all the entries yet and my brain is too fried to do so tonight,…

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bits and bobs

If you haven’t ordered a copy of A FANTASY MEDLEY, which has an Old Races story by me along with stories by Kate Elliott, Robin Hobb and Kelley Armstrong (I still can’t help going ‘one of these things is not like the others’ when I see my name in that lineup), here is an important bit of information from Subterranean Press: Headed into the out of print realm soon is A Fantasy Medley (edited by Yanni Kuznia), which hasn’t even started shipping yet! As I write this, we’re down to…

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TRUTHSEEKER is done, at 345 pages and some 81,500 words. That’s the 18th novel I’ve written. Dude. o.o


My editor at Del Rey sent a couple copies of THE QUEEN’S BASTARD ahead of the contracted author copies so that I could see them soonest. Oh my god. This is a beautiful, beautiful, *beautiful* book. Ted, in awe, said, “This is *hot*,” and it *is*. I cannot *wait* for this to go on the shelves so people can get it, because oh my GOD it’s gorgeous. I ran around the house shrieking and doing the beauty queen thing and being all tearful. It’s *so* pretty. And it’s the mark…

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on marketing

Michelle Sagara, who writes amazingly Big Fat Fantasy under that name, and occasionally under Michelle Sagara West, and who writes the extremely enjoyable “Cast” series for Luna as Michelle West, and who *also* works in a bookstore, has posted an entry about an encounter with a customer who wanted to know about what she did to self-promote her books. Her answer was, “Nothing,” (but the entry is well worth reading) and it reminded me quite vividly of the first panel I was ever on at a SF convention. The panel…

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