
Thing One: I hate it when I ask a question and the responses make me think of a really cool idea that’s well beyond my ability to accomplish. Hrmph. Oh well. (The question was “Should ebook covers for related sets of stories match, or does it not matter for epub-only stuff?” The answer appears to be “we prefer them to look like a set,” which spawned a great idea for the e-covers of the upcoming Old Races short story collection e-release stuff, but: lack talent, time and funds, so phooey.)…

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I have had a stupendously productive day. I finished the second ElectriCity chapter. I got the cover for BABA YAGA’S DAUGHTER and posted it. I delivered via email the stories I was supposed to and delivered two packages to the post office to be sent far far away. I finished the laundry. I got “Easy Pickings” ready to go up on Amazon and B& I walked 3 miles. I did some video game dancing with my adorable dancing toddler. I fixed the cross-posting problem from to LJ. I ordered…

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I just got the rough cover for DEMON HUNTS, book five of the Walker Papers, due out in June 2010 (and book four is out in three weeks! Yay!). ZOMG. I wish I could show this off to you right now, because it’s going to be amazing. Wow. Wow! Yay! I believe I have a new favorite cover! Holy crap, speaking of covers, I just saw the cover to the twelfth Dresden Files novel. Holy *crap*. If you’ve been paying any attention, the Dresden Files always have two word titles,…

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