Are we doing the 2024 Retrospective thing? Yeah? We are? Okay, well, I did a metric shit tonne this year, and I know it, and of course I also didn’t get anything like nearly as much as I needed or wanted to done. But let’s focus on the positive. I wrote in the region of 400K words, I think, with 4 books (WEAR WOLF, DEATH OF AN IRISH DRUID (out in January), OCTOBEARFEST and PARTRIDGE IN A BEAR TREE), 2 novellas (LION ON LOAN, KOALAFIED FOR LOVE), a massive revision which…
Tag: daily life
dreams, elfquest and KU
I…am mostly staying off social media right now (blogging doesn’t count). I’m posting a little, mostly about the knitting I’m doing to keep myself off social media, and to a lesser degree, about the book coming out tomorrow. But I can barely cope with my own emotions, and am finding other peoples’ to be overwhelming. So. I blog and I write. And I knit, and whatever else comes to mind that isn’t doomscrolling. I also have frickin’ weird dreams, one of which was discovering at a SFF con that I…
trying to change my habits
I am, as the subject line suggests, trying to change some habits. It isn’t going well, of course, but I’m trying. I started taking a yoga class for newbs, and I’ve Not Wanted to go to every class since then, but I’ve gone and enjoyed all of them and indeed, have left every one going “if I did that 3 or 4 times a week I’d probably feel a lot better,” but I’m trying to change habits in a SUSTAINABLE manner, not “DO ALL THE THINGS / NEVER MIND I’D…
the problem is the computer
The problem is the computer. Definitely not me. Definitely the computer, see. See, like. The other day my FB memories came up with something to the effect of, I’d been drawing, or maybe just looking at some of my older stuff, and I’d thought, “Self, if you spent as much time drawing as you do on Twitter, you’d be a hell of an artist,” and then thought, “Nah, don’t be ridiculous.” And then I thought, “No, seriously, do you KNOW how much time you spend on Twitter? :/” But so…
In June, after a journey of 18.5 years by one count and 22 months by another, my husband got his Irish citizenship. The ceremony was in Dublin, and we went down a day early to have a celebratory dinner and not risk missing the ceremony by counting on the trains on the day of. :) It was actually VERY EMOTIONAL and we both cried all over everything, by which I mean, I sniffled gently while he wiped away a few manly tears, of course. The ceremony itself was really quite…