weekend post

4th of July: We went out for Indian dinner to celebrate, on account of Columbus having been looking for India. It was a *really* good meal, yum. Furniture: Our living room furniture, which was not new when we moved in, has devolved to the point that when you sit in it you sink into the depths of dischair, so one of the many points I negotiated for our new lease was new furniture. I volunteered to go look for it myself (to the landlord’s *obvious* relief), so I finally made…

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day trippin

We had a very nice day in Dublin. Talked to someone about a possible Sekrit Project, and was roundly insulted by Pádraig (“Ah,” says he, “I don’t read any superhero stuff anymore, yourself included. EXCLUDED. Yourself EXCLUDED!” *laughs out loud, again*), and we didn’t find what we were looking for but managed to find other things instead, and I got very nearly the entire proposal for the second Chance graphic novel written on the train. Which is to say, on the computer while we travelled on the train; I was…

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a comparative breeze

Today I have only raked for an hour (the local birds approve, although despite the really *huge* pile of straw now the back garden still doesn’t look much improved over before I’d spent two hours raking it. I’ve got at least another hour’s worth of work left, too. And I am soooooooooore.), walked to get kitty litter, walked to get pants, done Pilates, and cleaned the kitchen. And yet somehow, I’m still all worn out! And I have a blister! I also have some ambition to work on my website…

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I have had a busy damned day. Biked to the gym this morning (yay, hardly any bike butt!), swam, stopped to make a hair-trim appointment, came home, went to to get my hair trimmed (this time they did the back exactly how I wanted, shaved at a #2 setting, and entirely fucked up the rest of it. I said I was trying to grow the top out to the length around my ears and she trimmed all the top stuff and didn’t trim it over my ears at all. Now…

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bad internet, no cookie

I think the internet is sucking my will to live. I keep spending evenings staring blankly at a not-very-exciting computer screen instead of, say, going for a walk in the rare, utterly gorgeous weather we’ve been having. I think the solution here is No More Laptopping, which would be better for my shoulder anyway. I have, for a variety of reasons, utterly failed to go swimming yet this week. Tomorrow, she said determinedly. Tomorrow. I wonder if I dare go to the massage place without first slathering myself in sunblock.…

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