I just upgraded WordPress, which I hit the button for and then thought “wow, this is probably not the best idea. I’m leaving for three days. What if it doesn’t work?” But it did. Whew. :) Ted and I are off for Dublin for three days! We are not (*gasp*) bringing the laptop, so unless we stop at a net cafe, we’ll be offline until sometime Wednesday when we return. See you then!
Tag: daily life
a busy day, in the end
Mmm, if I had a spare hundred bucks I’d get me one of these: a velvet frock coat. Oh, except a 12 would probably fit me best and that’s what they’re out of, of course. A ten might be worth trying if I was slimmer, but I’m not. Ah well. My feet hurt. I walked about six miles today, which is more than my 14 month old beat-to-hell tennies can take. They’re turning the electricity off here for several hours on Tuesday. We’re thinking of going in to Dublin and…
The alarm went off this morning at 7. Ted turned it off, an action I fully supported. A couple hours later, when we dragged ourselves to consciousness, he said, “It went off and I thought, “I’m too full to get up.”” *laughs* We may have eaten tooooo much red beans and rice and German chocolate cake yesterday. But MMMM it was yummy! (Did you know, incidentally, that German chocolate is not Germanic in origin, but was created by a man named German? Originally it was German’s chocolate, but the possessive…
seedlings & writing
Well, I didn’t get any writing done, but I re-read TRUTHSEEKER, which needed to be done to go forward, so I guess it wasn’t a total wash. And I did the other things I needed to do today. And cleaned the living room. (Now Ted is cleaning the office and making me feel vaguely guilty for sitting here while he works. Not guilty enough to get up and help. Just guilty.) But! The nifty thing is that my Christmas orange seeds that I planted a month ago have suddenly become…
feeling better
That was a hit-and-run cold-bordering-on-flu thing if I’ve ever had one. I’m still not entirely well, but the difference between Sunday and Monday in my wellness level is nearly indescribable, nevermind how much better I feel today. And apparently I *caught* it at Christmas, since one of the guests had the same symptoms that laid me out three days later. …it’s going to be 2009 in the moral equivalent of a few minutes. For some reason this particularly struck me in looking at the archives links on my webpage, perhaps…