An exceedingly proud fellow. :)
Tag: dublin zoo
busy day out
We had a busy day out at the zoo, where I concluded that the 18-100mm lens, while much easier to carry (nevermind focus, since it’s got auto-focus and my Big Lens doesn’t), is not really up to the task of Kitsnaps-quality images. The absurd megapixels on the new camera makes up for that to some degree, but I fear I wasn’t, overall, enormously satisfied with today’s photography. Which isn’t to say I didn’t get some nice pictures, of which this wee series is one of my favorites: It was really…
Snapshots: Zoo Primates
I particularly like this picture of the cousins together at the zoo a few weeks ago. Not so much because it’s Art as because what a bunch of cuties. :)
Kitsnaps: Baby Bongo
This baby bongo was born last year at Dublin Zoo. I remember the first time I saw the male bongo, whose antlers (horns?) are quite magnificent. He was curled against one of the fences, his head lowered so his mouth was near the ground, and when I looked at him through my camera viewfinder, I saw a classic African carving. It was an absolutely visceral visual, completely startling to me, and quite wonderful, as I’d never experienced anything like that before. Sadly, that picture didn’t turn out nearly as successfully…
Kitsnaps: Prowling
Just in case you were under the impression you might not be lunch. This one I think is really more of a high-quality snapshot than a Kitsnap, which I like to imagine have, like, Artistic Merit, but not everything has to be top shelf, right? Right. I have to figure out some way to reduce the size of the images landing on LJ, since 800px on a side is, well, too big. I mean, this all looks utterly fabulous on itself, but most of you, I believe, are reading…