birthday day!

Today is my husband’s birthday, so I’m baking a German chocolate cake and we’re going out to dinner at a really good restaurant tonight. Mmmm. :) I turned in the copy edits for SHAMAN RISES last night, which means the Walker Papers directory is one final edit pass from being moved into the Finished Projects folder. Pretty strange, after 14 years of working on them. Just, wow. I note that the 28th of January is the 201st anniversary of the publication of PRIDE & PREJUDICE. This may be relevant to…

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commissioned short stories!

I have a burst of short story writing coming up, stuff I’ve owed people for some time, and along with it there’s a distinct possiblity I’m going to be offering up to five commissioned short stories for a fundraising campaign my sister will be running soon. These stories will be about 3000-5000 words and can, within reason, be anything the patron wants: I’ll write in any of my established universes (albeit nothing with Walker Papers spoilers), or I’ll write something new; retold fairy tales, a story about your cat’s super…

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O.M.G. I sent my friend Marc some fudge in December because, er, well, frankly, he made it easy by just posting his address on one of the pictures of fudge I’d posted, and it amused me, so, fudge. I just got the same container back in the mail, except now it was filled with Marc’s baklava. Let me explain this to you: Marc’s baklava is to regular baklava what my fudge is to regular fudge. I got the package and was all like “Oh huh, mail from Marc, maybe he…

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a quoteable morning

It’s been a pretty quoteable morning around here. First my son and I were playing superheroes and he said to me, “Who is in that Iron Man armor?” I said, “Tony Stark, and he, quite reasonably, wanted to know who Tony Stark was. I said, “A philanthropist playboy billionaire genius.” Young Indiana said, “Like me?” Just like you, honey. Just like you. <3 :) Then over on Twitter, Alastair Reynolds (‏@AquilaRift), whom I like a lot as both a writer and a person, said, for some reason, that he won…

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birthday books

Upon the occasion of his 11th birthday, we gave our older nephew THE SWORD OF SHANNARA, A PRINCESS OF MARS and the Complete Novels of Sherlock Holmes. He opened the Shannara book and looked at it with great dubiousness, proclaiming, “I’ve never heard of Terry Brooks.” “This time last year, you hadn’t heard of David Eddings, whom you now love,” I said. “Oh yeah,” he said thoughtfully. “How did I find out about David Eddings?” “Aunt Catie gave you the books,” my sister Deirdre said dryly, and he c said,…

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