adventures in train travel

Dad had an adventure on the train yesterday, and got to be a Hero as well as Rescued By Heroes. There was a drunk of about thirty years of age on board, and he sat next to a young woman who, it later proved, was a freshman in college. He was bothering her, so Dad got up and asked the girl if she’d like to talk to him. And she moved next to him, across the aisle. And then the drunk smacked Dad on the top of the head. Dad…

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

We’ve had a lovely day out. It is in fact a lovely day, which is unusual, and we went to the Longford parade, as did everyone else in the town. It was a *much* longer parade than I expected, and parts of it were pretty good. Yer man standing next to me said to his wife, “It’s a fair grand parade, isn’t it?” and she said, “It is, much better than last year, but everyone’s got more free time so,” which made me laugh and laugh and *laugh*. :) I…

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lovely evening

Somehow the book has nearly caught up to my YTD wordcount again. That’s kind of weird. Anyway, I realized today I may have as few as 4 chapters left, which would be sort of awesome. No, actually, who am I kidding, it would be totally made of awesome. I could have as many as six or seven, but four or five is seeming pretty likely. *fingers crossed* We had a lovely evening here at the Murphy-Lee household. My uncle and cousin are over visiting, so Ted made an apple &…

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a nice day

When I peel Christmas oranges I usually manage to get a half or a third of the skin off in one piece. I have, as long as I can remember, then tidily stacked the smaller bits within the larger curve, and then set about eating the orange. It has never struck me as an odd thing to do, but I just discovered my husband finds it charming and funny, because it’s so very tidy, and I’m not usually. So now I’m amused by it too. I have just been informed…

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it’s aaaaaaaaliiiiiiiive!

Rejoining the world of the bloggers after a very pleasant and almost entirely off-line weekend. We had a lovely time with /Kate, and we all ate a truly tremendous amount of turkey, stuffing, and pie (they don’t have canned pumpkin here, so we ended up finding some fresh pumpkin puree, and Mom made the best pumpkin pie that any of us had ever had–and I’ve rarely met a pumpkin pie I didn’t like. Wow. No going back, now!), and lay around being comatose and content. :) Ted made homemade rolls…

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