Elsewhere, when I posted the DEMON HUNTS cover, a reader responded with words to the effect of “I’d rather have new books than new covers.” ::looks into the camera:: Another reader stepped in to try to head them off at the pass, said I’d gotten the rights back and that I was re-releasing them with my own covers and that the story was finished. Unfortunately, the OP responded with “if the main character isn’t dead, the story isn’t over!” ::LOOKS. INTO. THE CAMERA:: Part of me wants to say “I…
Tag: fandom
hamilton au
There’s a part of me that wants to go check out all the Hamilton fic that I’m sure exists, all the alternate universes where things went…better. And the rest of me is like NO NO NO because that way lies doom. But there’s also the part of me that keeps thinking of the Neil Gaiman bit where somebody is talking to a late 20th century Earth person & says something to the effect of, “Who’s President? Ah. Clinton? And Bush before him, and Reagan…? Ah. Yes. You live in one…
Recent Reads: The Art of Elfquest
Several months ago I discovered a Kickstarter for three deluxe Wendy Pini books, two on Elfquest and one on her other work. Reader, I agonized. I do not, by any stretch of the imagination, require more Elfquest stuff. The completionist in me shrieks otherwise, but the truth is I got rid of most of my Elfquest originals before we moved, and I never did get several of the later Father Tree Press graphic novels (which I regret, actually, but I really still don’t like the coloring in them), but anyway,…
don’t tell me truth hurts
…little girl ’cause it hurts like hell I wouldn’t have thought I’d have two posts to make about David Bowie, but then, I wouldn’t have really thought I’d have *one* post to make about him, so what do I know? I’ve spent most of the last two evenings, when I’m not writing, going through my FB friends’ list and listening to all the Bowie songs they’ve linked to. Or rather, that was my plan. What actually happened was that on Monday evening a friend posted, “So I’ve been working on…
home from Octocon
We are home from a lovely weekend at Octocon, where we saw many friends and had good conversations. I brought about eight pounds of fudge to the con, and passed it out to the attendees of the Golden Blasters film festival on Friday night. Probably the best two bits of that were saying to people, “If you’re allergic to anything except gluten you can’t eat this, but it’s gluten-free,” and having one woman LIGHT UP when she was told it was gluten-free and safe for her to eat. (Eggs, dairy,…