I woke up at about 6:40 this morning and almost talked myself out of going to swim. But then I thought, “Self, you *always* feel better after exercising, and you know you won’t go later in the day.” So I got up and walked through the POURING RAIN and had a quite nice swim. I did 500 meters of just kicking, which loosened up my very, very, very sore legs (we walked about eight and a half miles on Wednesday, and then yesterday I did barre exercises. My legs huuuuuurt.),…
Tag: friends
We’ve just had smashed chicken and boxed mac&cheese for dinner. It was incredibly, incredibly good. *loves on Lisa* I’m considering having pop tarts for dessert. Or making cookies with REAL chocolate chips. *loves on Lisa more* miles to Dunharrow: 111.8 ytd wordcount: 4400
thinks to do
– buy cat food & cocoa powder – upload pencils for chance #4 – do the )(*&)(# thumbnail sketch for page 1 of chance #4 before ardian flies from indonesia to kill me – do the dear reader letter – email the talent search woman – email lanny – go for a walk – write …for a woman who, for the first time since she started a writing schedule, only has the 3 actual deadlines that are contracted for this year on it, I seem to be putting a number…
it’s aaaaaaaaliiiiiiiive!
Rejoining the world of the bloggers after a very pleasant and almost entirely off-line weekend. We had a lovely time with /Kate, and we all ate a truly tremendous amount of turkey, stuffing, and pie (they don’t have canned pumpkin here, so we ended up finding some fresh pumpkin puree, and Mom made the best pumpkin pie that any of us had ever had–and I’ve rarely met a pumpkin pie I didn’t like. Wow. No going back, now!), and lay around being comatose and content. :) Ted made homemade rolls…
bits and bobs
Ted went Christmas shopping in Dublin yesterday, where he says he did not find anything at all that he was looking for for me. On the other hand, he did find the man who sells honey-roasted pecans and cashews and cinnamon-and-sugar-soaked dried apple slices, and this is probably worth the price of admission. Except, of course, the danger of knowing where that shop *is*, now…. :) We are not, at this house, in a turkey stupor, because we’re not holding Thanksgiving until tomorrow (when our ONE IRISH FRIEND WHO *LOVES*…