Revisions for WALKING DEAD are complete. I think I rewrote almost the entire last chapter (I said, hopefully intriguing the early readers who helped with title ideas). will be glad to hear I went back and spelled Dostoyevsky’s name correctly. :) I’m actually really quite happy with the book, which is always a good stage to be in after revisions. :) And now I get to take THE WHOLE EVENING OFF before working on the third and final chapter for the proposal of book five tomorrow. *looks at the rest…
Tag: friends
eclectic entry
Going to London has utterly thrown off my sense of time. I’m fairly convinced it’s Tuesday. *Next* Tuesday. o.O London was fun. I sold a few books and met several LJers, which was really wonderful. *beams* *waves to you all and makes noises of profound gratitude that you came*! I was also stalked by /Sarah Brennan, whose copy of HANDS OF FLAME says “Stop following me!” The next one will say, “I mean it, or I’m calling the garda!” and the one after that will say “That’s it, I’m getting…
ComicCon 2008: Sunday & Home Again
Sunday was practically quiet, comparatively, and yet entirely exhausting. :)
ComicCon 2008: Friday-Saturday
Looking at my notes, apparently the Dabel Brothers panel was on Thursday, so technically this should go under that last entry, but oh well. Short version: Chance didn’t get announced and I’m frustrated by that. I don’t know when it’s even going into Previews–it didn’t make it into this month’s as it was supposed to, so right now I’ve got no publication date on it. Maybe I’ll get one by next week, as I did get a chance to talk with them on…Sunday, and they’re having a full team meeting…
ComicCon 2008: Wednesday & Thursday
There is a universe in which my photograph is smack alongside photos of Jensen Ackles and Jared Padelecki in somebody’s flickr set. Bizarrely, it is *this* universe in which that has happened. Sadly, I wasn’t any closer than a photograph, but still, that’s pretty cool. :) I’ll post photos in a while here, but really, /Reese’s photos are 23459870 times better than mine, so just go browse her flickr set. :) So. ComicCon. how ’bout I just put it all behind the cut, ’cause we all know this is gonna…