Bloody hell, I’m tired. I’m sure it’s a combination of having stepped my exercise up from nothing* to Quite A Lot over the last two weeks, and simply sleeping less because it’s lighter out and so I wake up earlier. But damn, I’m *tired*. I may try giving myself a day off from exercise tomorrow, although that’s hard to do, because once I’ve got a goal in mind (current goal: walk 6 miles a day. average achieved goal over the last 2 weeks: 5.75 miles a day.) it’s very hard…
Tag: friends
holiday? what’s a holiday?
We went by the Mardyke Arena, which is the University College Cork’s gym facility, to find out if they allow day passes to the swimming pool, which I suspect is the only pool in Cork worth swimming in*. They don’t, or rather, they do, but only if you come as the guest of someone with a regular pass and who won’t leave your side for the duration of your swim. Or something like that. Except in July and August, when they do day passes because the students are gone. Ted…
sooooooo envious
Approximately half the known world, or at least half my known world, will be in New York this weekend for Comic Con, and I am *so* envious. Sadly, though, we didn’t win the lottery yesterday, so we’re not jet-setting off the the Big Apple. Maybe next year… I guess I got up too early. I was exhausted before I did anything, and then the cats sat on me when I sat down to write, and they emitted sleep rays, and I succumbed. Ted got up before I’d entirely fallen asleep,…
quick note before bed
Ellen Million, who rocks, has scanned a couple of short stories I wrote in college and sent me copies of them, ’cause one, at least, I’m sure I don’t have. That one is a Beauty and the Beast story which, to the best of my own recollection, is a huge rip-off of Robin McKinley’s BEAUTY, except, like, written my way. :) So I’ll be reading both of those stories with fascinated trepidation sometime here soon… Realised this evening that the smart thing to do was take the synopsis for Chance…
up and running
New computer is up and running, thanks be to Myles for providing it and Ted for doing the heavy lifting. Don’t have the files moved over from the old hard drive yet, but I’ve got the important things installed: City of Heroes, and SimpleMU*. :) I have managed a whacking 1011 words today, which is not exactly covering myself in glory, although at least it made the 1K wordcount. Still, I don’t think I’m going to do more, as this was a morning when I found myself cleaning the kitchen…