Birthday & Wonder Woman

So yesterday was my birthday and it is also the birthday of my many many birthday twins, but I wasn’t online much and so I failed to say happy birthday to Esmerel and Silkblade and Chaz’s niece and also Morgan Freeman and Marilyn Monroe and Superman (the first Superman comic was published June 1 1938 :)). Happy birthday, twins, and thank you to everybody who wished me a happy day! Ted and Indy snuck off and got a couple pieces of art that have been sitting around for a long…

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a night with the girls

I did not mean for that last post about the big break to be the last post for two weeks, but I temporarily forgot my password and couldn’t log in. Heh. :) I defied my cold (and probably common sense) and went out to dinner with friends last night. I managed to be late because I stopped to do my makeup and missed the train, so I was pretty annoyed with myself. OTOH, it did provide the pretty amusing moments where, as I approached the table, one of the two…

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a fabulous coat & the ruin of two families

Yesterday over on Facebook I posted a link to an utterly fabulous 1940s bomber-style womens’ jacket. Things almost immediately got out of control as my dear friend Leah Moore loved it as much as I did: Leah: That is just gorgeous. I would marry that jacket. Catie: I would show up at the altar and object because I saw it first and loved it more. Leah: Oh damn! Leah: With high waist trousers and a killer haircut….oh man… Catie: actually i would show up at the altar and you would…

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Octocon 2016

So Octocon was great fun. I went into it tired (because i was an IDIOT and i got a new phone on THURSDAY and i couldn’t get it to update properly and i stayed up until TWO IN THE MORNING getting it working right, the day before a weekend-long convention started!) and had a panel Friday night so I had to be vaguely functional through that, and more or less was. It was a weekend of selfies because I didn’t have the camera with me a lot because I couldn’t…

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we have amazing friends.

this morning i came home from dropping indy off at school and ted, looking very emotional, said, “come into the kitchen and see what our friends have done.” a little befuddled, i went into the kitchen, and there saw a large box and thought, “oh! yes, one of them said they would send a few–” and somewhere around that point a started to realize that there were two large–*large*–boxes, crammed full, and… this is…i just…i don’t even know where to start. they organized a care package of Food We Can’t…

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