Family dynamics FTW :)

Over on FB I linked to this website about a sustainable village being developed in Ireland and said I still wanted go live there. My mom said I could be the Village Writer. My sister has friends living there and they’re the Village Dancer and the Village Baker. My mom’s younger brother said, “Do they need a Village Idiot? I might be available.” Mom said, “Funny, I was thinking of offering myself as the Village Wise Woman!” I said, “I now really want to write a story in which a…

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reality collides with perception

I asked for Rachel Bach‘s Paradox Trilogy for my birthday last year, and, in my Read The TBR List In Alphabetical Order quest for 2015, I started reading them this week. I also discovered that my interest in them was a source of great confusion to Ted, who knows I hated Honor Harrington and had extrapolated that I disliked space opera/military SF, which is bonkers. I stared at him in utter astonishment and he said, “Well, they look like they’re up the Honor Harrington alley and you don’t like those…

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soooooooooo sick

Poor Ted tried to go to work this morning. “I can do this!” he thought as he took his shower. “I can do this!” he thought as he got in the car. “I can do this!” he thought as he drove past the exit to the doctor’s clinic. “I…can’t do this,” he thought when he reached his exit for work, and took the roundabout back around to the clinic, where the doctor told him he had a mild chest infection and gave him a doctor’s note to stay home from…

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We have been Christmased. :)

Young Indiana in fact had no idea today was Christmas. He didn’t wake up until 6:50, which is the latest he’s slept in over a week. We turned the tree lights on and sent him into the living room and he gasped, “PRESENTS?!?”– –and then immediately said “I can’t wait for my Bumblebee Optimus!” which is the one toy he has been absolutely on message about for months. And, terrible parents that we are, we’d buried it at the back so it would be the very last gift he found.…

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I just remembered something embarrassing. *laughs* My first Usenet/email name/handle/display name was “Storyteller”. I mean, I was 17, okay? So I can forgive me for being a little dorktastic, but in retrospect it makes me laugh because it’s so…17 and pretentious. Or dreamy-eyed or whatever you want to call it, but as dorky as it was, it was also how I perceived myself, either as I was or as I wanted to be. I wanted to tell stories to people. I’ve always wanted to tell stories to people: my earliest…

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