link salad, maybe

The Book Love Affair blog is running an Urban Fantasy Awards contest & give-away, and has included the Walker Papers in her line-up. The way to participate is by leaving comments, and I’ve just offered to send an early copy of WALKING DEAD to one of the winners there, so if you want another chance at it, go participate! Also, well, I’d really kind of like to see a good showing in one of these things, because my books more or less never get nominated for any of these sorts…

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Day trip to Tulsk photos!

I *did* get some proper work done this morning, but then the mail came and there was this awesome QUEEN’S BASTARD-inspired necklace made by a fan so I had to stop and take a picture, and since I was doing photo stuff, I figured I’d better upload the Tulsk photos too. Dad posted his, too, and has many beautiful pictures of the graveyard. ytd km swum: 52 miles to Minas Tirith: 458.7

I done doed it.

After poking around on the net all day I came across, which appears to have pretty much all the formatting elements I want out of a calendar-creator, so I went ahead and made an Ireland 2010 calendar. It’s 14 photographs, including the front and back covers, and I have been nervy and put the price for a standard-sized calendar at $25. On one hand, that seems like rather a lot, but on the other, their base price is about $21, so if I want to make any money at…

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I was sitting around last night blowing my nose rather more frequently than usual, and suddenly realized that the solid plugged-uppedness of the left nostril was not usual dust/cat dander/whatever sort of stuffiness, and that indeed it was symptomatic of the cold that’s been going around my family. I took some cold medicine and promptly got dizzified from it, and that, with the alternating addition of a really bad headache, is sort of where I remain. I feel incredibly whiny and irritated with myself for being whiny. :p Working on…

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TPC in the wilds of Canada!

Thanks to ! Also, check out how Ken Scholes and I are *both* “New & Hot Fiction”. :) Seriously, I love these photos. :) Only one bookstore in Ireland reliably carries my books, so this is as close as I get to actually seeing my stuff on the shelves. Thanks, Lianne! :)