Ted and I just got back from John Carter. I really, really wanted to like this movie, which means I went in with kind of grim expectations, particularly since I’ve only just recently read A PRINCESS OF MARS (which I did in part because I wanted to know just how badly they were about to slaughter a classic work of science fiction), and I have to say… …actually, I think they did the old man proud. There are *problems*, yes. There were a few things explained that aren’t explained in…
Tag: picoreviews
Conversation on chat last night: “What movie did you go see?” “A Dangerous Methos.” *pauses, staring at that, because after twelve years, more than twelve years, I still cannot type “method” without first typing “Methos”* “Method. A Dangerous Method.” Follow-up on Twitter: 37 other people: I would totally go see A Dangerous Methos! I love my friends. I do love my friends. :) picoreview, btw: Pretty good. I was surprised by Kiera Knightly’s performance. I can see where she didn’t…quite…let all the way go…but at the same time, the opening…
Picoreview: “Haywire”
Picoreview: “Haywire”: First off, although I remembered the commentary about the filming when it happened, until I saw the scenes in “Haywire”, I forgot some of it had been set in Dublin. If anybody would like a walking tour of the Haywire movie when they come to visit, I can provide one. :) Second, according to an article I read a while ago, “Haywire” director Steven Soderbergh apparently said, when he got the script, that he would love to do the film, but only if it had a female lead.…
picoreviews: new year’s eve & puss in boots
Picoreview #1: “New Year’s Eve”: Like every other American attempt at “Love Actually”, it utterly lacks the grace and effortlessness of its progenitor. On the other hand, I went to see it sheerly to get out of the house and have time that was entirely to myself, and had such low expectations that I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. It actually took several minutes to even recognize Michelle Pfeiffer (the opening scene with her I was genuinely going “Why are we following this woman? Who is she?…