Marvel Movie Marathon: Iron Man

Marvel Movie Marathon: Iron Man: omg I had somehow managed to forget the sheer level of asshole Tony was in the first part of Iron Man. Back in 2006 or whatever when Marvel said they were floating an Iron Man movie, I, an X-Men fan who never cared much about the Avengers, was like “why would anybody make a movie about a 2nd tier character like Iron Man that nobody cares about anyway.” Ted, who is much more of an Avengers fan, objected strenuously to “2nd tier” and argued in…

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Captain America: The First Avenger vingage-style movie poster by Paolo Rivera

Marvel Movie Marathon: Captain America: The First Avenger

Someone on The Internets pointed out, late last year, that if a person was to watch a Marvel movie every week in the new year, they would wrap up just in time for Avengers: Infinity War, which is out (here, at least) on April 28th. Ted and I thought that was a great idea and set out to do so, with the thought in mind that we would watch them all chronologically, starting, clearly, with Captain America: The First Avenger. (Here’s a full chronological list of the Marvel Cinematic Universe,…

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Picoreview: The Last Jedi

Picoreview: The Last Jedi: Eh. The thing is, someday I’ll stop expecting to love Star Wars movies. They are not for me. I’ve never cared much. I didn’t see the originals until I was more or less an adult, and lack the rose-colored glasses most of my (and subsequent) generations view them with. Rogue One is the only one that’s ever managed to disappoint me because it’s the only one I thought was going to be different, but it was just a Star Wars film, albeit one in which rocks…

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Picoreview: Loving Vincent

Picoreview: Loving Vincent: an amazing work of art that proves worth it in the end. I’m not a particular Van Gogh fan, or at least I wasn’t before Vincent and the Doctor, which–I will fight you on this–is one of the best episodes of Doctor Who ever filmed. So I wasn’t going to Loving Vincent because I love Vincent, but rather because it’s been billed as an astonishing work of art. And it is. They filmed it about five years ago and have spent the intervening time in post-production, hand…

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Picoreview: Inhumans

Picoreview: Inhumans: not *as* bad as the reviews said. To further illuminate that comment, I also went to see Rough Night this week, and of the two, Inhumans is not the one I wanted to walk out of. That said, you should not in any way mistake it for *good*. I went because I was sort of horrifiedly fascinated to see just how bad it was, after all the scathing reviews. The result may be that my expectations were SO LOW that I could not actually be disappointed. Also, there…

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