I’m positively THRILLED to show off the new cover for COYOTE DREAMS (now) book 4 of the Walker Papers! Watching these covers come to life has been a real joy, and I especially loved the original cover for COYOTE DREAMS, so seeing this one being so vibrant and perfect in a whole different way just makes me so very very happy. COYOTE DREAMS will be out in July 2024, so get your preorders in now! ♥ Joanne Walker has accepted her path as a shaman—but she’s lost her spirit guide…

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cover art for Bewitching Benedict

Bewitching Benedict for pre-order!

My charming little Regency romance, BEWITCHING BENEDICT, is now available for pre-order at Amazon! I *may* have pre-order links for other sites by tomorrow, but if not, I should have most of them for Friday when it goes live. With luck I’ll also have print edition links, but it’s possible that will take another week, and the audio book, which is in the works, won’t be out for a couple months. Still, it’s coming together QUITE NICELY here at the end. I’m pretty excited. :) This constitutes a major milestone…

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B&N! Amazon! SubPress! Raven Calls!

Holy beans, today is a bonanza of self-promotion! (Apparently the whole week is, actually, looking at what I’ve already posted…but anyway!) “Easy Pickings” is now available as a Kindle book AND as a Nook Book! I am VERY EXCITED about this. VERY excited. No, really, I am, because all my crowdfunding aside, this is my first foray into actual self-publishing beyond the scope of the crowdfunded projects, and I’m very, very interested and excited to see how it goes. So if you’ve read and enjoyed “Easy Pickings”, you should post…

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Take A Chance pre-order

There’s no cover image up yet, but the Take A Chance graphic novel is up at Amazon for pre-order. The GN will include the original 5 issue story arc, plus the Free Comic Book Day issue, and audition art from various artists I’ve talked with over the past few years. And possibly some other stuff, essay-like things and who knows what else. In fact: what would people like to see? Oh, and the Dabels have got issues 1-3 up at their online store. I’ll nudge them about #4, and hopefully…

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