Here we begin the proper crying bits.
Tag: reading
GGK Book Club: The Wandering Fire, ch 1-4
Oh, God, so many things I’d forgotten that come back with a single sentence…
GGK Book Club: THE SUMMER TREE, ch 13-16
Dammit, I knew I was going to be bad at this, which was why my basic intention was to read the books all at once and set up posts ahead of time with my commentary to autopost on the appropriate days. Life, however, hasn’t been enormously accommodating in that regard (February will, I swear, be better), and obviously I haven’t been very good at getting things posted. I did finish *reading* SUMMER TREE, but oi, We’ll be starting THE WANDERING FIRE this week, with chapters 1-4 up on Tuesday. Or…
GGK Book Club: THE SUMMER TREE, ch 9-12
You know how you have those days where you’re sure that you’ll manage to have time to do that thing so you don’t let people know that you’re not doing it that day because you’re going to have time even if it’s at the last minute, and then it’s three days later and you haven’t done it because you kept being sure you’d have time and Yes, I thought you were familiar with that. This is why the post for chapters 9-12 is so late. I’ve caught up on the…
Recent Reads: Lust for Life
LUST FOR LIFE is the fourth & final book in Jeri Smith-Ready’s WVMP Vampire Radio series. I have a conflicted relationship with these books; something happened in the 3rd book that I really did not want to happen, but I read the interstitial novella and book 4 because I wanted to see if Jeri (who is a friend of mine) did the only thing with the end of the series that I felt would justify the thing I really didn’t like. The answer is that she sort of did, which…