Rene’s Ginger Snaps

Ginger Snaps 3/4 c vegetable shortening 1 c sugar 1/4 c molasses 1 egg, slightly beaten 2 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp ginger 1/2 tsp cloves 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp cinnamon 2 c flour Melt shortening in a large pot over a low heat. Cool a bit, then add sugar, molasses and egg. Mix well (it won’t completely mix together). Stir in spices, then add the flour and mix thoroughly. Chill in fridge until completely cold. Form 1 inch balls, roll in white sugar, and bake at 350/175/gas mark…

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Chicken Stewp

I had a chicken carcass, and I thought making a big pot of chicken stewp sounded like a good idea. I was right. :) The recipe as follows: 1 roast chicken carcass, steamed & stripped all attendant juices & fat from both roasting & steaming (or chicken stock), up to 4 cups 1/3 c flour 1 c onion, chopped 1-2 c carrots, chopped 2 (or whatever) c chicken 1 tsp each of: – sage – garlic – basil – parsley – salt 1 c sweetcorn 3 c chopped potatoes 1…

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not actually possible

It is not actually possible to do all the projects I want to do. Certainly not all at once, even if my enthusiasm for them flares and makes me go want to do it RIGHT NOW. Of course, the impulse right now is to take the lemon curd I’m making and make lemon bar cheesecakes! and lemon cheesecake squares! and lemon gingersnap meringues! All of which I could probably do, in fact. And then I’d eat them all and be … I can’t even make a fat-face emoticon. :)


madly busy day and yet so far i have done none, count ’em, none, of the home-based things i need to do. like: – laundry – attempt naan – clean a bathroom – vacuum – clean the kitchen i did this once why does it need doing again dammit and all of that aside is the fact that young indiana woke up ridiculously early and had a very vigorous morning, so now that he’s gone to bed i expect him to take a really good nap, which makes me want…

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Catie’s Blueberry Pie

Now, okay, look. I’m a good baker. I’ve been baking for a long time, and the way I choose recipes is by reading through them, if I’m looking for something I haven’t made, until I find one that looks good to me. I’m not exactly sure how this works, but it does. It’s how I found the very good german chocolate cake recipe I make for Ted, and it’s how I’ve found several other recipes. There was no pie recipe that looked right to me. I wanted to make a…

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