very slow start

I’m off to a very slow start today. I slept badly, having dreams about the election what certainly seemed like all bloody night long, only interrupted when I got up to go to the bathroom, came back to bed, and tried to locate the pillow that had gone missing but instead poked Ted in the ribs several times, which tickled him until he woke up very, very confused. :) (I thought the pillow was between us. It turned out it’d fallen on the floor, but I was fumbling for it…

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starting with chapter 3

The astute amongst you have noticed that I’ve got quite a number of work-related thinks to do for somebody who’s nominally on vacation. Foremost is writing the proposal (generally a synopsis (done now!) and 3 chapters) for the fifth Walker Papers novel. About a month ago while I was still working on book 4, I had an epiphany about the opening scene of the fifth book, so wrote it down. Today, trying to write chapter two and finding myself doing a lot of ungainly telling-not-showing, I realized that in fact…

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making a list, checking it twice

/Ted made an OMG good dinner last night. I allowed as how I was going to keep him for at least *two* more weeks (since I’ll be gone for a week, I better keep him for two so I can take advantage, you know). Really, I don’t know why I say that, because *I’m* not the one who’s got a waitlist of women (and possibly the occasional guy) who are hoping I might part ways with my spouse and therefore be available. I believe /Janne is first on the waitlist.…

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look what happens…

Look what happens when I get up early: I write 6400 words. Ted and I keep getting up later and later and I get visibly less accomplished the later I get up, so last night he set the alarm for 6am. This is horrible, but I actually frequently wake up around a quarter to six anyway, so it wasn’t really that traumatizing. And I was writing by 10 to 7, and, although I didn’t write particularly quickly, I did write a lot. Oh, and broke 60K on the book, which…

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rumor has it…

Rumor up here in Longford has it that down in Cork, /Kate’s water has broken, and my husband has rushed to her assistance.