never-ending thinks

Our gym membership has run out, not that either of us has been using it since I got back from South Carolina. However, as I decided yesterday I really did need more exercise, I got up and went for a rather pleasant walk this morning. On my walk, it struck me that although I’d never actually thought about it, my dad is in fact a veteran. He was drafted into the army, and upon being sent to Germany (eta, upon being questioned on this: er, not for WWII, just being…

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Revisions for WALKING DEAD are complete. I think I rewrote almost the entire last chapter (I said, hopefully intriguing the early readers who helped with title ideas). will be glad to hear I went back and spelled Dostoyevsky’s name correctly. :) I’m actually really quite happy with the book, which is always a good stage to be in after revisions. :) And now I get to take THE WHOLE EVENING OFF before working on the third and final chapter for the proposal of book five tomorrow. *looks at the rest…

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ducks rowed

– emailed DCCC – emailed FPI – emailed letterer – emailed new artist – arranged covers for Chance 4 & 5 – responded to interview request Not *all* of that was this morning, but most of those were hanging over my head and have finally been dealt with. Now all that’s left is: – finish revisions – finish WP#5 proposal – email *more* to FPI – write Morrigan short story – read & comment on other short story – catch up on NNWM (ahahahahah)

a hundred million things

I have–I have not been counting, but I suspect it is in the range of–about a hundred million things to do this week. Approximately. More or less. Among them is starting to swim again, which is really kind of the thing I want most to do and also the thing that is hardest/perhaps least likely *to* do. This is partly because I’ve had a cold more of the last six weeks than not, and I am simply not confident of my energy levels, and I *need* my energy to write…

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Neil Gaiman signing/reading/thing

Ok, so it looks like I *am* going to go into Dublin tomorrow afternoon for the Neil Gaiman thing at Eason’s. I’ll probably get into town around 3pm, as I want to go to Chapters and sign books and chat, and to swing by Sub City, so…anybody up for an early (and cheap) dinner? I’m looking forward to seeing some people, one way or another. And then I’m going to spend the entirety of November (excepting Dublin Comic Con) with my head down and my nose to the grindstone, because…

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