genuinely insanely busy

Hello, mes amis. I have been genuinely, insanely busy for the past two months, and my “no really I’m going to get back into blogging” has suffered badly for it. I have Eastercon to write up, STILL, most of two months after the fact, but I kept putting it off because I was finishing the 6th Dublin Driver book, which I did, and delivered, on April…21, I think. And then I accidentally banged out two novellas. Yeah, no, that’s not normal, is it? I literally finished DEATH OF AN IRISH…

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still toxic

I’m somewhat better than I’ve been, but I’ve still got a cough and snotty nose. No, I haven’t gone to a doctor, but only because it turns out there’s a shortage of doctors in this town and nobody is taking new patients. We got signed up with a clinic in theory but we still haven’t gotten notification that we’re actually in their system, so…yeah. Anyway. At this point I think I’m going to have healed up before I’m in the system. Whee. That said, all I want to do today…

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this is not an all-gym-all-the-time-blog now, i promise

I just haven’t gotten my act together enough to blog about other stuff, like our college friend’s visit, and movies I’ve seen, and…stuff… :) I have effectively not gone to the gym in almost two weeks. Well. No, it’s not Friday, is it. Only Wednesday. Okay, a week and a half. Anyway, I went today and I did…most…of the workout they gave me. I dropped the crosstrainer and the squats, because I would never do either voluntarily and just the idea of them was apparently sucking the fun out of…

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much better, thank you

I am, for all of you who have asked, much better today, thank you. Muuuuuuuuuuch better. Apparently I alarmed my poor husband, because he did come home to get Indy from school, and when he arrived home I was sleeping on the couch and he couldn’t remember the last time I was sick enough to give up trying to push through and just went to sleep on the couch. Evidently he went back to work and told people I’d been sleeping on the couch and they said “so?” and he…

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i has a sick.

I’ve had a cold sneaking up on me the past couple days, but today it decided to land with both feet. I feel tired and faintly ill if I’m holding still, but if I move at all I cough. Climbing the stairs requires a ten minute sit-down to recover. I’ve spent a lot of time lying on the couch today. :} I was so wrecked from bringing Indy to school that I asked Ted to come home from work long enough to *get* him from school. And that was after…

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