a personal best

Several years ago I had a month where I thought I really hadn’t written much of anything, and, depressed, went to look at my wordcount. It turned out I had written 83K in that month, and I still don’t know how I’d concluded I’d done no work worth mentioning in that time. I’ve just obliterated that record. I’ve done 91,000 words in 19 days. I have written a book in 19 days: I have just finished MOUNTAIN ECHOES, Book 8 of the Walker Papers. It was 10,500 words long when…

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wow. holy crap.

I’m about 10K from the last book in the Walker Papers series. Holy *crap*.

not dead.

Not dead. Just writing as fast as I can. Not much left to brain with. Will resurface eventually.

process stuff

So Monday I got started on MOUNTAIN ECHOES, book 8 of the Walker Papers. “Got started” means I re-read the first 3 chapters and the synopsis, and while the chapters were fine, I thought, “Wow, this synopsis *really* sucks. *Really* sucks. There are major problems with it.” And then I started to write. And something happened far earlier in the writing than it happened in the synopsis, and I thought, “That’s probably not a bad thing, because the synopsis is so awful,” and by that time I was starting to…

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It is five hours to the book launch/signing. I have baked lemon cupcakes, brownie cupcakes, and about fourteen dozen cookies, with more to go. Next time I get the bright idea to make up 4 batches of cookie dough to refrigerate & bake the next day, I need to remember to roll the dough into tubes before I put it in the fridge. That would’ve saved me a whoooooooole lot of aggravation. I posted on Twitter to say I was down to the last 3 eggs, which I assumed meant…

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