
I am exceeding, exceedingly pleased to participate in this year in Brenda Novak‘s annual charity auction fundraiser for diabetes research. Last year she raised over a quarter of a million dollars, and is aiming for $300,000 this year. I have two items in the auction: one is a Tuckerization–ie, your name in my book–in the fifth Walker Papers novel, DEMON HUNTS (yes, the one I’m working on right now), which is due out in June 2010. Bidding started at $2 and to my astonishment a few people have already bid,…

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I have BOOKS!

Oh my GOD. I thought these were going to arrive today. I don’t know *why* I thought so, but I did. I have got in my hot little hands the mass market paperback releases of THE WALKER PAPERS. BHAHAHAHAHAH! I am excited beyond *belief* to have these books. They’re in the stores June 1, and they’re the first mass market releases under the C.E. Murphy name, so even if they’re reprints I’m BAHAHAHAHAHH! …there are 48 copies of each. What in God’s name am I going to do with this…

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quick note

I was going to say “quick note, not wordcount-related”, but that’s not true, as I’ve now blown past the halfway mark in the book, so yay me. The 2/3rds mark feels Very Far Away right now, which is sort of depressing. (It’s not *that* far away, about 13.5K, but that feels like a lot just now.) But on the positive side, I’m vacillating between “oh god, I don’t have enough book left for this story” and “oh god, I don’t have enough story left for this book”, which may not…

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We have wee little apple blossoms on our apple tree! And a wee small rhubarb popping up! Hooray! Woot! The fifth Walker Papers books has a title! It will be DEMON HUNTS, and I am having a very good time writing it right now. Yay! Dude. You guys came up with some fantastic casting choices for the Negotiator trilogy. I wish I had about fifteen copies of the anthology to send out, because you did *not* make this an easy choice! I’m going to have to do something cool for…

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I have just finished writing the scene you didn’t even know you were waiting for, but can’t wait to read, and I am Happy. ♥