I have been working ALL DAY on a VERY SLOW chapter with no fastness in the writing at ALL and I have FINALLY finished it and now I’ve discovered that I am 149 words away from 30K on the book. ARGH! *goes to write another 150 words, grumpily* eta: there. for pity’s sake. another 289 words, the book is past 30K, and I wrote like 3800 words today. I’m going for some ice cream, man. *grinchy face* ytd wordcount: 104,100 miles to Minas Tirith: 175.5

what, was it too hard?

Was yesterday’s contest thingy too hard, or is everybody off doing non-internet-related things? V. few responses! Or maybe it’s just nobody’s read TQB… :) I’m going to go start work on the latest Walker Papers (which is currently untitled and will therefore be referred to as Jo Vs. The Cannibals until it gets a title) in a few minutes. “Start work” in this case may mean “going to go re-write the synopsis in much more detail, because it has occurred to me that the books that have gone most smoothly…

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We stopped and got a little (although larger than I expected) greenhouse today, and now the chives and coriander have been transplanted into peat pots and put into the greenhouse. Coriander seedlings smell just like coriander. That would be nicer if I liked it. :) But we sure have a lot of it, and I suspect that more rather than less will survive the transplanting. I’m a little less certain of the chives, but we’ll see. I left the basil and parsley alone because they don’t look anywhere near studly…

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hiding from the internet

Today I am hiding from the internet, because I want to watch the Oscars tonight without already knowing who won what. Gmail already helpfully let me know who won the best film, but I have managed to not see anything else while checking email, so that’s pretty good. (Oh crap. Ted says the download won’t be done tonight. I’m going to have to stay offline tomorrow, too! Multiple Media Avoidance Days! Agh!) The result of staying offline today is I got quite a lot of work done. (Go figure. I…

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sloggy progress

Yesterday was utterly useless. Today I decided I needed to focus on either revisions or writing, and given that revisions will pay me sooner, I worked on revisions today. o.O I’m actually about halfway through the WALKING DEAD manuscript now, so it’s going pretty well, although it’s in the last quarter that my editor thinks it really needs work, so. Hopefully I’ll lurch through the third quarter tomorrow and do the last bit over the weekend so I can 1. turn it in and 2. start catching up with NNWM…

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