bras & weight loss

I have, through no particular effort of my own, lost somewhere between 20-25 pounds in the past year. Mostly it’s just that I’ve been eating less. Not well, certainly, just less. Not exercising more, either. Just eating less. Basically for the first time in my life I’ve been stress not-eating instead of stress eating. Anyway, so I’ve lost a fair amount of weight, and my bras have not been fitting well at all. So a week or two ago I bought new bras, and people suddenly started saying, “Wow, you’ve…

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Dear Sugar,

You’ve probably noticed by now that I’m not coming around as much anymore. I’d like to say it’s not you, it’s me, but the truth is it’s you. I find you irresistible, and the only way I can deal with that is by walking away from you entirely. You don’t make it easy, either, with your ice creams and cakes and chocolates all easily available and tempting. But you, in all your delicious forms, make me fat, and I’m tired of it. Oh, don’t get me wrong. It’s much easier…

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stick this in your pipe and smoke it

I had a dream this morning that I joined a weight loss group here in Longford. It had line dancing and Simon Cowell. Simon judged the group. There was some guy who who wasn’t fat, and Simon told him he didn’t need to lose weight but he thought he should put on a little more muscle, after poking the guy in the belly. :) And he was horrified by the line dancing. Both by the idea and the execution, which was dreadful. (It was line dancing of the sort you’d…

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I think I can write today, but man, my little brain is feeling pretty spongy right now. I have to convince myself to go do my Pilates. I’d been planning to swim today, but I’m more than half afraid that if I do I’ll lose the afternoon’s writing to unconsciousness, despite the word wars. I don’t know. We’ll see. God on a stick, though. I’m just…blblbaaaaggh. *stares around mindlessly* Today is International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Wretch Day, and I’d had a very vague hope of writing something new for it, but…

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I appear to be running an experiment in weight loss. It’s a very good experiment, because it proves out, conclusively, every time. It goes something like this: If I don’t eat sweets, and do exercise, for a week, I lose about a pound and a half in that time. If I do eat sweets and don’t exercise, I gain about a pound and a half (if I haven’t been exercising for quite a while, I just gradually gain weight, not at that excessive of a rate). It works *every time*.…

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