what i have learned

I have learned that the all-day chat structure isn’t going to work for /me/, so week-after-next I will open a chat room at 9pm GMT/4pm EDT/1pm PDT and run it for about 90 minutes before sluffing off to bed. (I figure next week is Easter so there’s no point in trying to run a chat then.) I think I /will/ go ahead and open a daily chat room for word wars. I’ll post the url at my writing community, , rather than here, because it seems more appropriate, and the…

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the horrible truth

The horrible truth is exercise just makes me feel better. I know this *is* true, but I keep mentioning it because I have this hope that someday it’ll actually sink in. I got up early-ish this morning and went for a walk because they said the weather would get increasingly worse as the day wore on (and indeed, it is at this very moment pissing out there) and I wanted to get my licks in while I could. And then I came home and did my Pilates. I’m getting better…

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random weight loss thought

and I were just discussing the fact that arghing at each other online about the difficulties of weight loss did seem to help keep us on track a little. I, at least, have periodically joined LJ communities and the like where a bunch of geek sorts are trying to lose weight and trying to find encouragement, and they don’t (for the crowd I hang with, anyway) seem to last very long. I wonder if a weekly online scheduled chat session might work better. Format probably wouldn’t matter so much, be…

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if I were rich…

If I were rich, I would be buying plane tickets to Vancouver, BC right now for next weekend, where I would go watch Jim Byrnes play Friday and Saturday night at The Yale. If I know anybody there, have pity on a poor writer and go see Jim play for me. 9pm, but you’ll want to get there quite a bit earlier if you want to be able to sit. If you want to make an evening of it on my behalf, there’s a terrific little tapas place about a…

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Supreme Court meme & other stuff

As ganked from /Nicholas, As evidenced by Katie Couric, Sarah Palin is unable to name any Supreme Court Case other than Roe v. Wade. The Rules: Post info about ONE Supreme Court decision, modern or historical your lj. (Any decision, as long as it’s not Roe v. Wade.) Loving v. Virginia, in which the Supreme Court ruled there could be no lawful impediment to interracial marriages. This is clearly the same ruling, or the precedent for the ruling, that will eventually be applied to gay marriage in the US, and…

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