I don’t know what happened to January. I mean, yes, I know what happened to January: we had the flu, or something like it, and totally lost a full week or more to being sick. And then Ted had a week off and somehow I got a lot less work done in that time than I imagined I was going to, and now it’s the end of the month and I’m sick again. For God’s sake. I’ve gotten…15K or so done on MAGIC & MANNERS, which is pretty good, but…
Tag: writing
Irish literary bursary awards clinic
Ireland offers bursaries to artists of varying walks of life. Last night I went to a clinic on Writing Your Bursary, which had some interesting information, like, they had €867K worth of applicants last year and were able to fund about €80K’s worth of them. o.O I’m not clear on whether that was for the full year or for each half of the year, but I think it was for the full year. They have somewhere around 150 applicants per funding period and fund about 15 of them. There were…
three things make a post?
I would like to thank Stephen Amell and the dude in the tinfoil hat for making this happen. #laughs People around here are healing. Ted braved work today and Young Indiana went to school. I wrote 3000 words, which was kind of unexpected. I’ll actually have new MAGIC & MANNERS chapters to post for people this week! Pretty exciting stuff. :) I…don’t know anything else interesting. Oh wait! Here’s a picture of a bird. :) We found this bird house at the zoo the other day, a place we’d never…
I did not go Into the Woods
Today I did not go Into the Woods, despite the great temptation to do so. I have to say, without having seen it, I cannot help but feel that it was a terrible mistake to split the role of the Wolf and Prince Charming between two actors, since part of the point is the metaness of Charming also being the Wolf. The tiny bit I’ve seen of Depp as the Wolf in the trailers does nothing to convince me that my feeling is a wrong one. Anyway, I’ll see it…
in sickness & in writing
Yesterday my child, who had been a grumpy cuddlebutt for ages, climbed into my lap and suddenly went to sleep. And after a 90 minute nap, woke up, and went to bed at the usual time and slept for almost 12 solid hours, which never happens. Still ain’t well around here, sez I. Other than that…not much. :) I’m re-reading MAGIC & MANNERS in order to start writing on it again, and–faintly to my surprise–it’s charming. I don’t know why I’m always faintly surprised when I read something I wrote…